
Balance & Recover

Mystras Suite-luxury-double-room-wellbeing-euphoria-retreat-greece
sphere pool indoors signature treatment wellbeing euphoria retreat
woman in spa wellbeing detox euphoria retreat Greece special offer healing hotels
wellbeing detox euphoria retreat Greece healing hotels
USD 1,975.–
per person, 5 nights, excl. accommodation
Request to book

Have you felt overly stressed, worried and helpless during these difficult times? Would you like to reconnect with yourself and nature to gain back your positive attitude and joy for life? Then this Balance & Recover program is perfect for you. Take part in this 5 or 7 day retreat to reconnect with your body, your emotional and mental wellbeing. Our immune system needs strengthening and empowerment after these stressful times that we currently live in. Give yourself a mental and physical boost and tune back to yourself after this time in isolation.

The peace of our home Euphoria Retreat in the Peloponnese blends perfectly with a carefully picked selection of therapies, energy healing and movement practices that will help to move energy out through the body, reawake your senses and joy, and recover general wellbeing. Moreover, healthy nutrition also plays an important role since it will boost your immune system and energy levels. That is why you will receive a personalised nutrition plan.


Balance & Recover – inclusions:
  • 3GL plus-lab test + assessment
  • Urine test/aminoacids
  • Respiratory equilibrium
  • Nutritional guidance
  • Euphoria feedback
  • Medical & holistic consultation with biofeedback profiling
  • Forest fit & energy walk
  • Salt room
  • Chakra balancing treatment or reiki or sanctuary for busy minds
  • Personal yoga training session
  • Thai massage
  • Group mind detox or meditation
  • Breathing exercices
  • Τransformation consultation
  • Acupuncture with reconnective healing

This retreat is also available for 7 days.


Euphoria Retreat is nestled on the slopes of the Sacred Mt. Taygetos in the fortified medieval city of Mystras (near Sparta) in Peloponnese, Greece.

  • Airplane
    Athens International Airport: 2.5 hours
  • Airplane
    Kalamata International Airport: 1 hour


Euphoria Retreat

Mystras, Peloponnese

+30 2731 306 111


Request now without obligation.

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Please note our privacy policy.

Booking Request: Balance & Recover

USD 1,975.–
per person, 5 nights, excl. accommodation